ActivationConfigPropertyOverride |
AnnotationDeployer |
AnnotationDeployer.DiscoverAnnotatedBeans |
AnnotationDeployer.FieldMember |
Implementation of Member for java.lang.reflect.Field
Used for injection targets that are annotated fields
AnnotationDeployer.FilledMember |
AnnotationDeployer.MethodMember |
Implementation of Member for java.lang.reflect.Method
Used for injection targets that are annotated methods
AnnotationDeployer.ProcessAnnotatedBeans |
AnnotationDeployer.ProcessAnnotatedBeans.AccessTimeoutHandler |
AnnotationDeployer.ProcessAnnotatedBeans.LockHandler |
AnnotationDeployer.ProcessAnnotatedBeans.TransactionAttributeHandler |
AnnotationDeployer.ProvidedJAXRSApplication |
AppContextConfigDeployer |
ApplicationComposerDeployer |
ApplicationProperties |
TODO Check for
ApplyOpenejbJar |
AppModule |
AppValidator |
AutoConfig |
AutoDeployer |
BaseConvertDefinitions |
BeanProperties |
BuiltInEnvironmentEntries |
Cipher |
CleanEnvEntries |
ClearEmptyMappedName |
ClientModule |
CompManagedBean |
ConfigurableClasspathArchive |
ConfigurableClasspathArchive.FakeModule |
ConfigurationDeployer |
ConfigurationFactory |
ConfigurationFactory.Chain |
ConfigurationFactory.ProxyBeanClassUpdate |
ConfigUtils |
ConnectorModule |
ContainerUtils |
ContextRef |
ConvertContextServiceDefinitions |
ConvertDataSourceDefinitions |
ConvertJMSConnectionFactoryDefinitions |
ConvertJMSDestinationDefinitions |
Deploy |
Deploy EJB beans
DeploymentLoader |
DeploymentLoader.ExternalConfiguration |
DeploymentModule.ID |
DeploymentsResolver |
DeploymentsResolver.ClasspathSearcher |
EffectiveTomEEXml |
Will dump properties once resolved.
EjbJarInfoBuilder |
EjbModule |
Class is to remain "dumb" and should not have deployment logic added to it.
EmptyEjbJar |
EnvEntriesPropertiesDeployer |
Read in all the properties for an app's META-INF/ file
and create tags for each in the component's enc.
FinderFactory |
FinderFactory.DebugArchive |
FinderFactory.DoLoadClassesArchive |
FinderFactory.ModuleLimitedFinder |
FinderFactory.OpenEJBAnnotationFinder |
GeneratedClientModules |
This class encompasses a little technique that saves lots of architecture rework.
GeneratedClientModules.Add |
Add the auto-generated and linked ClientModule from each EjbModule
GeneratedClientModules.Prune |
Clean up any that didn't turn out to have any actual ejb clients
GeronimoMappedName |
InitEjbDeployments |
JndiEncInfoBuilder |
JPAPropertyConverter |
JPAPropertyConverter.Pair |
LegacyProcessor |
LinkBuiltInTypes |
MappedNameBuilder |
MBeanDeployer |
MergeWebappJndiContext |
In a webapp all ejbs will share the JNDI namespace of the servlets
This means no private namespace for each EJB.
Module |
ModuleProperties |
NewLoaderLogic |
NewLoaderLogic.OptimizedExclusionFilter |
OpenEjb2Conversion |
OpenEJBDeploymentManager |
OpenEJBDeploymentManager.DeploymentStatusImpl |
OpenEJBDeploymentManager.TargetImpl |
OpenEJBDeploymentManager.TargetModuleIDImpl |
OutputGeneratedDescriptors |
PersistenceContextAnnFactory |
PersistenceModule |
PersistenceUnitLinkResolver |
PojoConfiguration |
QuickJarsTxtParser |
QuickServerXmlParser |
ReadDescriptors |
ReadDescriptors.StringSource |
ReadDescriptors.UrlSource |
RemoteServer |
NOTE: Do not add inner or anonymous classes or a dependency without updating ExecMojo
RemoteServer.CleanUpThread |
ReportValidationResults |
ResourcesModule |
ScanUtil |
ScanUtil.ScanHandler |
ServiceUtils |
ServiceUtils.ProviderInfo |
SunConversion |
SystemAppInfo |
SystemApps |
Avoids the needs to scan the classpath to load system applications that are used
for deploy tools and other command line tooling.
SystemPropertiesOverride |
Anything starting with "openejb" or "tomee" trumps other properties
so "" always beats "foo"
SystemProperty |
TldScanner |
TLD file urls cached on a per classloader basis.
Undeploy |
UnDeploy EJB beans
ValidateModules |
ValidationContext |
VmDeploymentFactory |
VmDeploymentManager |
VmDeploymentManager.DeploymentStatusImpl |
VmDeploymentManager.TargetImpl |
VmDeploymentManager.TargetModuleIDImpl |
WebappAggregatedArchive |
WebappAggregatedArchive.ScanXmlSaverFilter |
WebModule |
WlsConversion |
WsDeployer |