Full name:
org.apache.openejb.maven:tomee-maven-plugin[:Current Version]:run
Name | Type | Since | Description |
apacheRepos | String | - | (no description) Default value is: snapshots. User property is: tomee-plugin.apache-repos. |
appDir | String | - | relative to tomee.base. Default value is: apps. |
apps | List | - | (no description) |
args | String | - | (no description) User property is: tomee-plugin.args. |
bin | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/tomee/bin. User property is: tomee-plugin.bin. |
catalinaBase | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/apache-tomee. User property is: tomee-plugin.catalina-base. |
checkStarted | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.check-started. |
classpaths | List | - | (no description) |
config | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/tomee/conf. User property is: tomee-plugin.conf. |
context | String | - | rename the current artifact |
debug | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.debug. |
debugPort | int | - | (no description) Default value is: 5005. User property is: tomee-plugin.debugPort. |
deployOpenEjbApplication | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.deploy-openejb-internal-application. |
docBases | List | - | for TomEE and wars only, which docBase to use for this war. |
ejbRemote | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: true. User property is: tomee-plugin.ejb-remote. |
externalRepositories | List | - | for TomEE and wars only, add some external repositories to
classloader. |
forceReloadable | boolean | - | force webapp to be reloadable Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.force-reloadable. |
javaagents | List | - | (no description) |
keepServerXmlAsthis | boolean | - | (Removed since 7.0.0) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.keep-server-xml. |
lib | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/tomee/lib. User property is: tomee-plugin.lib. |
libDir | String | - | relative to tomee.base. Default value is: lib. |
libs | List | - | supported formats: --> groupId:artifactId:version... -->
unzip:groupId:artifactId:version... --> remove:prefix (often
prefix = artifactId) |
mainDir | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main. |
password | String | - | (no description) User property is: tomee-plugin.pwd. |
quickSession | boolean | - | use a real random instead of secure random. saves few ms at
startup. Default value is: true. User property is: tomee-plugin.quick-session. |
realm | String | - | (no description) User property is: tomee-plugin.realm. |
reloadOnUpdate | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.reload-on-update. |
removeDefaultWebapps | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: true. User property is: tomee-plugin.remove-default-webapps. |
removeTomeeWebapp | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: true. User property is: tomee-plugin.remove-tomee-webapps. |
simpleLog | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.simple-log. |
skipCurrentProject | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.skipCurrentProject. |
skipWarResources | boolean | - | when you set docBases to src/main/webapp setting it to true will
allow hot refresh. Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.skipWarResources. |
synchronization | Synchronization | - | (no description) |
synchronizations | List | - | (no description) |
systemVariables | Map | - | (no description) |
target | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.build.directory}. |
tomeeAjpPort | int | - | (no description) Default value is: 8009. User property is: tomee-plugin.ajp. |
tomeeAlreadyInstalled | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.exiting. |
tomeeArtifactId | String | - | (no description) Default value is: apache-tomee. User property is: tomee-plugin.artifactId. |
tomeeClassifier | String | - | (no description) Default value is: webprofile. User property is: tomee-plugin.classifier. |
tomeeGroupId | String | - | (no description) Default value is: org.apache.openejb. User property is: tomee-plugin.groupId. |
tomeeHost | String | - | (no description) Default value is: localhost. User property is: tomee-plugin.host. |
tomeeHttpPort | int | - | (no description) Default value is: 8080. User property is: tomee-plugin.http. |
tomeeHttpsPort | Integer | - | (no description) User property is: tomee-plugin.https. |
tomeeShutdownCommand | String | - | (no description) Default value is: SHUTDOWN. User property is: tomee-plugin.shutdown-command. |
tomeeShutdownPort | int | - | (no description) Default value is: 8005. User property is: tomee-plugin.shutdown. |
tomeeVersion | String | - | (no description) Default value is: -1. User property is: tomee-plugin.version. |
useConsole | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: true. User property is: tomee-plugin.use-console. |
useOpenEJB | boolean | - | use openejb-standalone automatically instead of TomEE Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.openejb. |
user | String | - | (no description) User property is: tomee-plugin.user. |
warFile | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.${project.packaging}. |
webappClasses | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.build.outputDirectory}. User property is: tomee-plugin.webappClasses. |
webappDefaultConfig | boolean | - | forcing nice default for war development (WEB-INF/classes and web
resources) Default value is: false. User property is: tomee-plugin.webappDefaultConfig. |
webappDir | String | - | relative to tomee.base. Default value is: webapps. |
webappResources | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp. User property is: tomee-plugin.webappResources. |
webapps | List | - | (no description) |