Inspired by the Jetty Maven Plugin, the TomEE Maven Plugin is a feature-rich plugin that allows for:

Simply add the following to the , and optionally the ), section of your pom.xml


Plugin Goals

Goal Description
tomee:build Create TomEE, but do not run it.
tomee:configtest Run the Apache Tomcat `configtest` command.
tomee:debug Same as `run` but with debug activated on the default or specified port.
tomee:deploy Deploy an application in a running TomEE.
tomee:exec Undocumented.
tomee:help Display help information on the tomee-maven-plugin.
Call mvn tomee:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
tomee:list Largely inspired by the OpenEJB command helper, but with some differences. List deployed EJB's in a running TomEE.
tomee:run Start and wait for TomEE.
tomee:start Start TomEE and continue.
tomee:stop Stop a TomEE started with start command.
tomee:undeploy Undeploy an application in a running TomEE

Note that for the tomee:deploy and tomee:undeploy goals, the path can either be specified within the section of the pom.xml using the parameter, or it can be passed via the user property tomee-plugin.archive. If a relative path is passed for the deploy path archive, this must be relative to the TomEE server.

Note 2: running tomee maven plugin you can type 'quit' directly in the console to shutdown correctly the server. 'reload' is also available when internal openejb application is deployed.

More Tweaks

The lib tag allows to enrich the container with some additional libraries.

Some interesting patterns in addition to the default maven formats are supported.

Note: the name tweak can be used to rename applications too

Provisioning Example

This plugin is also usable in projects which are not war. For instance you can use it in a pom project to setup a TomEE install, add libraries, deploy apps then run the server.


Auto Reloading Example

        <extension>.class</extension> <!-- if you want to update each time you build with mvn compile -->

The Synchronization block supports the following configuration options:

reloadOnUpdate means to reload the entire context (webapp). This means undeploying/redeploying the application.