Contribution Workflow
1. JIRA ticket
Create a ticket in Jira, if it does not already exist.
If the ticket is already assigned to someone else ⇒ talk (e.g. via the mailing list)
Assign the ticket to the contributor, if it is not already assigned
(more details)
2. Process Task
Fork the repository on GitHub
Create a branch in your forked repository (name = JIRA ticket id)
Discuss on mailing list
Work on the code
Document work in JIRA ticket
(more details)
3. Submit Changes
Ensure code compiles
Ensure tests passes
Create PR (pull request)
Ask for review on mailing list
(more details)
4. Merge Changes (done by a committer)
Review changes
Merge code
Change JIRA ticket status / close ticket
5. Cleanup
Wait until PR is merged (ticket status change)
Remove branch in own repository