java.lang.String second_
java.lang.String minute_
java.lang.String hour_
java.lang.String dayOfMonth_
java.lang.String month_
java.lang.String dayOfWeek_
java.lang.String year_
java.lang.String timezoneID_
java.util.Date start_
java.util.Date end_
java.lang.String errorCode
java.lang.Exception linkedException
Exception errorCode
java.lang.Object entity
java.lang.Object entity
java.lang.Object entity
Query query
java.lang.String errorCode
java.lang.Exception linkedException
java.lang.Exception exception
ConnectionEvent id
java.lang.Object connectionHandle
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] invalidProperties
java.lang.String userName
char[] password
ManagedConnectionFactory mcf
java.lang.String description
java.lang.String name
java.util.Map<K,V> hints
int type
Work work
object on which the event occured.WorkException exc
processing.long startDuration
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String name
java.lang.Object value
java.lang.Throwable rootCause
java.lang.String name
java.lang.Object value
boolean permanent
int seconds
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String value
java.util.Map<K,V> attributes
boolean legacyHeadHandling
java.lang.String name
java.lang.Object value
java.lang.Throwable mRootCause
boolean result
java.lang.String var
int scope
int begin
int end
int step
boolean beginSpecified
boolean endSpecified
boolean stepSpecified
java.lang.String itemId
java.lang.String statusId
ValueExpression deferredExpression
ValueExpression oldMappedValue
LoopTagStatus status
java.lang.Object item
int index
int count
boolean last
IteratedExpression iteratedExpression
BodyContent bodyContent
Tag parent
java.util.Hashtable<K,V> values
java.lang.String id
PageContext pageContext
int errorCode
java.nio.ByteBuffer bb
java.lang.String encodedString
java.lang.Object object
Session session
Response response
java.util.Map<K,V> store
javax.xml.namespace.QName name
java.lang.Class<T> declaredType
java.lang.Class<T> scope
for global xml element declaration.
- local element declaration has a scope set to the Java class
representation of complex type defintion containing
xml element value
boolean nil
java.lang.String errorCode
java.lang.Throwable linkedException
java.lang.String errorCode
java.lang.Throwable linkedException
java.lang.Throwable cause
java.lang.Object value
int statusCode
SOAPFault fault