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Differences between TomEE versions and/or flavors

Detailed list of Java EE 7.0 and MicroProfile 1.4 specifications

Specifications Tomcat TomEE WebProfile TomEE MicroProfile TomEE Plus TomEE Plume

Java Annotations 1.2

Java Authentication (JASPIC) 1.1

Java Debugging Support for Other Languages 1.0

Java Servlet 3.1

Java Server Pages (JSP) 2.3

Java Expression Language (EL) 3.0

Java WebSocket 1.1

Java EE Web Profile specifications 7.0

Java Activation 1.2

Java Bean Validation 1.1

Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) 1.1

Java Dependency Injection (@Inject) 1.0

Java Enterprise Beans (EJB) 3.2

Java Server Faces (JSF) 2.2

Java Interceptors 1.2

Java JSON Binding (JSON-B)

Java JSON Processing (JSON-P) 1.0

Java Mail (JavaMail) 1.5

Java Managed Beans 1.0

Java Persistence (JPA) 2.1

Java RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.0

Java Security (Enterprise Security) *

Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL) * 1.2

Java Transactions (JTA) 1.2

Java XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2

MicroProfile specifications 1.4

MicroProfile Config 1.3

MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 1.1

MicroProfile Health Check 1.0

MicroProfile JWT Authentication 1.1

MicroProfile Metrics 1.1

MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.0

MicroProfile OpenTracing 1.1

MicroProfile Rest Client 1.1

Java EE specifications 7.0

Java Authorization (JACC) 1.5

Java Batch (JBatch) 1.0

Java Concurrency 1.0

Java Connectors 1.7

Java Enterprise Web Services 1.4

Java Messaging (JMS) 2.0

Java SOAP with Attachments (SAAJ) 1.3

Java Web Services Metadata (JWS) 2.0

Java XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.2

Java Server Faces (JSF) implementation





Java Persistence (JPA) implementation(s)




OpenJPA, EclipseLink

  • Please note that Tomcat does not ship with the jars for Standard Tag Library (JSTL) nor the* packages.

Implementations of Java EE and MicroProfile features in TomEE 7.1.x

Specifications Implementations included by TomEE 7.1.x

Java Servlet, Server Pages (JSP), Expression Language (EL),
Java Annotations, Authentication (JASPIC), WebSocket, …​

Apache Tomcat

Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

Apache Standard Taglib Implementation

Java Server Faces (JSF)

Apache MyFaces (shipped in all TomEE flavors except Plume)
Eclipse Mojarra (shipped in TomEE Plume)

Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)

Apache OpenWebBeans

Java Enterprise Beans (EJB)

Apache OpenEJB

Java Transactions (JTA)

Apache Geronimo Transaction Manager

Java Persistence (JPA)

Apache OpenJPA (shipped in all TomEE flavors)
EclipseLink (shipped in TomEE Plume)

Java Bean Validation

Apache BVal

Web Services

Apache CXF

Java JSON Processing (JSON-P)

Apache Johnzon

Java XML Binding (JAXB)

Eclipse Implementation of JAXB

Java Mail (JavaMail)

Apache Geronimo JavaMail


Apache Geronimo MicroProfile (ok with TomEE 7.1.x and 8.x)

Java Batch (JBatch)

Apache BatchEE

Java Messaging (JMS)

Apache ActiveMQ

In bold : Implementations that differ between flavors or between versions