Preloader image

TomEE ClassLoading is directly mapped to Tomcat one.

[ { label: 'JVM', description: 'The JVM classloader launching tomcat main(String[])', children: [ { label:'common.loader', description:'Customizable in conf/, the common loader is the Tomcat classloader', children: [ { label:'shared.loader', description:'Optional layer where you can add libraries for the web applications not seen by Tomcat. It is generally not used and not encouraged since Tomcat 6', children: [ { label:'webapp1', description:'loader of one of your wars, it container WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib/.jar' }, { label:'webapp2', description:'loader of another one of your wars, it container WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib/.jar' }, { label:'application1', description:'loader of another application, it can be an ear, it contains lib and ejbmodules of the ear', children: [ { label:'earwebapp1', description:'loader of one of the wars of the ear' }, { label:'earwebapp2', description:'loader of the other webapp of the ear' } ] } ] } ] } ] } ]

Click on the tree (JVM) on the left to see the detail there.