Release Notes - TomEE - Version 1.7.0
[TOMEE-659] - TomEE new logo
[TOMEE-836] - ReportValidationResults should about the root cause
[TOMEE-885] - Cannot inject no-interface groovy local bean
[TOMEE-926] - arquillian adaptors can fail replacing port if a port includes another one
[TOMEE-953] - tolerate javax. classes from app when not in server
[TOMEE-982] - JAXRS @ApplicationPath deployment fails if path starts with http and is not a URL
[TOMEE-1054] - created by installer is not executable
[TOMEE-1075] - openejb.home system properties not correctly set
[TOMEE-1076] - integrate tomee with spring-web SCI
[TOMEE-1079] - destroy resource adapter after connection factories
[TOMEE-1082] - openejb-javaagent missing from service.bat
[TOMEE-1083] - when using tccl for quartz avoid to set our quartz impl to avoid classloading issues (if the user does it he has to solve it himself)
[TOMEE-1084] - webservice (soap) undeployment doesn't use same id as deployment → can deploy/undeploy (in tests) the same WS
[TOMEE-1085] - jaxrs application are scanned and kept even if not instantiable
[TOMEE-1086] - @WebServiceRef(MyServiceImpl.class) doesn't work as expected
[TOMEE-1088] - classpaths can be null in stop mojo
[TOMEE-1089] - driverDelegateInitString should be set only if job store class is a JobStoreSupport
[TOMEE-1093] - wrong filtering of slf4j bindings
[TOMEE-1094] - allow derby to be in webapps
[TOMEE-1099] - arquillian adapter supposes war contained in ear are named as the ear
[TOMEE-1101] - Test methods are not getting enriched when run via Arquillian
[TOMEE-1106] - infinite loop detected while destroying bean XYService under load
[TOMEE-1110] - Datasources declared in context.xml doesn't work when the application is redeployed
[TOMEE-1119] - Duplicate servlets with embedded container
[TOMEE-1122] - @Timeout & @TA(NOT_SUPPORTED) methods in @Singleton beans run with transactional context
[TOMEE-1125] - stateful not clean up on discardInstance (@Remove)
[TOMEE-1134] - activemq-webconsole doesn't work
[TOMEE-1135] - jaxrs beans lifecycle not well handled when relying on @Dependent
[TOMEE-1136] - Context.stop() destroy the context (manager is broken)
[TOMEE-1137] - Mark all apache-tomee pom dependencies provided
[TOMEE-1138] - Cannot reference @Stateful @ConversationScoped bean in JSF page
[TOMEE-1139] - RESTService fails to check for BasicAuthHttpListenerWrapper
[TOMEE-1147] - tld can't be in WEB-INF/classes/META-INF
[TOMEE-1157] - OpenJPA metadata shoudln't be cleaned up for classes of the jvm
[TOMEE-1161] - mapping of a jaxrs application with @ApplicationPath doesnt work
[TOMEE-1162] - embedded jaxrs/http layer is broken and then for not simple cases urls are wrong
[TOMEE-1164] - avoid tomcat classloader to get a parent null after reloading
[TOMEE-1165] - cxf context not cleaned up
[TOMEE-1169] - better support of XaDataSource
[TOMEE-1172] - support jta wrapping (ManagedDataSource) of a custom datasource
[TOMEE-1175] - BaseEjbProxyHandler equals is is wrong - can lead to perf issues with cmp beans
[TOMEE-1179] - would be great to support property on provide fields for @DataSourceDefinition
[TOMEE-1183] - docBase (tomcat) and webAppInfo.path (tomee) doesn't use same separator
[TOMEE-1190] - TomEE maven plugin must supported Tomcat based distros
[TOMEE-1199] - arquillian embedded deploy as testable not testable archives if context is not cleaned up by arquillian
[TOMEE-1200] - arquillian adapters should tolerate more than a single test class as injectable test
[TOMEE-1203] - stateful can't be checkouted by multiple threads
[TOMEE-1205] - TomEE webprofile and breaks java subtyping
[TOMEE-1207] - support additionalSystemProperties for mvn tomee:exec even for java as script command
[TOMEE-1208] - Arquillian should replace server.xml port even if we provide it in the project
[TOMEE-1214] - tomee should pick up conf/log4j.xml
[TOMEE-1215] - Log4jLogStreamFactory picks up wrong conf directory
[TOMEE-1217] - toUrl in PerisstenceUnitInfoImpl can create weird url when file is not a file but a jar link
[TOMEE-1218] - mixed scope-handling in CdiAppContextsService
[TOMEE-1219] - org.apache.quartz.threadPool.threadCount and openejb.timer.pool.size ignored
[TOMEE-1223] - tomee embedded EJBContainer doesn't close on error
[TOMEE-1226] - ensure when wrapping Tomcat Realms with TomEERealm that the delegates are in the right state
[TOMEE-1228] - tomee maven plugin doesn't deploy jar/ear if a custom tomee.xml is not provided
[TOMEE-1234] - arquillian tomee embedded : ensure test classloader is the app one
[TOMEE-1241] - clean up openejb.loader property when shuttingdown to allow reboot
[TOMEE-1242] - allow arquillian tomee embedded container to be rebooted (manual mode)
[TOMEE-1248] - Security identity initialized twice when using preemptive mode
[TOMEE-1255] - allow TomEE Maven Plugin to specify additional docBase
[TOMEE-1256] - allow tomee maven plugin to skip war resources
[TOMEE-1257] - undeployment remove all validator/validatorfactory (not only the undeployed app ones)
[TOMEE-1260] - allow CDI contructor injections for JAX-RS endpoints
[TOMEE-1261] - soap binding annotation not read for ejbs
[TOMEE-1262] - JAX RS Autoscanning from Web XML
Dependency upgrade
[TOMEE-1104] - Tomcat 7.0.53
[TOMEE-1108] - myfaces 2.1.15
[TOMEE-1115] - xbean 3.16
[TOMEE-1131] - OpenWebBeans 1.2.4
[TOMEE-1142] - CXF 2.6.14
[TOMEE-1158] - Arquillian 1.1.5.Final
[TOMEE-1193] - examples/groovy-spock groovy-all dependency update
[TOMEE-1194] - examples/groovy-cdi groovy-all dependency update
[TOMEE-1195] - examples/groovy-jpa groovy-all dependency update
[TOMEE-1196] - examples/lookup-of-ejbs junit dependency update
[TOMEE-1197] - examples/lookup-of-ejbs-with-descriptor junit dependency update
[TOMEE-1232] - update examples using myfaces extval
[TOMEE-1236] - Use Tomcat 7.0.54
[TOMEE-1237] - Mojarra 2.1.x
[TOMEE-1238] - EclipseLink 2.4.2
[TOMEE-1245] - activemq 5.10.0
[TOMEE-1252] - upgrade deltaspike fullstack example to deltaspike v1
[TOMEE-1154] - port myfaces-codi fullstack demo to deltaspike
[TOMEE-1155] - upgrade myfaces-codi fullstack demo for tomee 1.6.x
[TOMEE-898] - Bean Validation Test (bean-validation-design-by-contract) is in the wrong package
[TOMEE-904] - Try to unwrap the URL from UrlAsset instead of creating a new one
[TOMEE-1090] - tomee-catalina PMD
[TOMEE-1100] - enhance error message in PersistenceUnitLinkResolver.extractWebApp when uri is illegal
[TOMEE-1105] - JAX-WS Endpoint CDI Support
[TOMEE-1111] - Expand SQL logging capability to include failed statements as well
[TOMEE-1126] - Add property for loading dynamic CXF providers
[TOMEE-1151] - @Observes optimization
[TOMEE-1152] - Failure related @Observes infinite loops protection
[TOMEE-1163] - ApplicationComposer: Process @Module annotations in parent classes
[TOMEE-1168] - subclass dynamic (ejb implementing invocation handler) are not deterministic wirh cxf-rs
[TOMEE-1185] - option to deactivate DataSourcePlugins
[TOMEE-1186] - allow to add at runtime system properties using execmojo (java -jar myapp.jar)
[TOMEE-1187] - disable tomcat reloading with tomee maven plugin to avoid reloading on update only extensions
[TOMEE-1192] - LazyRealm doesn't support Lifecycle hooks
[TOMEE-1201] - Allow dynamic configuration of, and log, thread pool sizes.
[TOMEE-1210] - Create Assemblies that honour OS specific line endings
[TOMEE-1211] - Reduce wrapping of SQLException in DBCP usage
[TOMEE-1221] - Unused code segment on tomee-catalina
[TOMEE-1227] - add a tomee-overlay-runner module to ease overlay creation
[TOMEE-1230] - Start and stop monitor logic should not just monitor shutdown port.
[TOMEE-1233] - update deltaspike example
[TOMEE-1239] - Update HttpsConnectionTest to support jdk8 - KeyTool changes
[TOMEE-1240] - Allow to choose Host when deploying a webapp (WebAppDeployer)
New Feature
[TOMEE-651] - DataSource is such a common resource type that it should be possible to not specify it in tomee.xml
[TOMEE-662] - Support aliases on resources
[TOMEE-1074] - Manage Sessions
[TOMEE-1077] - add a "openejb.timers.on" property (configurable in to deactivate timers
[TOMEE-1080] - properties as resource
[TOMEE-1081] - support WebServiceContext for pojos
[TOMEE-1092] - shade quartz in org.apache.openejb.quartz
[TOMEE-1097] - allow to define urls as resource
[TOMEE-1103] - tomeeAlreadyInstalled option to tomee mvn plugin to not modify tomee (no conf, no lib, no app) when starting
[TOMEE-1107] - support org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider out of the box
[TOMEE-1109] - Potential TomEE distribution with Mojarra and EclipseLink
[TOMEE-1113] - support leveldb and custom amq persistence adapter
[TOMEE-1114] - TomEE Maven Plugin should support OpenEJB standalone
[TOMEE-1121] - add openejb.cxf-rs.wadl-generator.ignoreRequests to configure and not force ignoreRequests on wadlgenerator
[TOMEE-1127] - New Event: @Observes LifecycleEvent
[TOMEE-1132] - add javaagents parameter to tomee-maven-plugin
[TOMEE-1133] - support @CdiExtensions on test class for ApplicationComposer
[TOMEE-1140] - Support CDI LoginModule
[TOMEE-1144] - provide an exec war goal to tomee plugin
[TOMEE-1145] - <Resource classpath=""> attribute
[TOMEE-1146] - Support multiple JDBC Driver class versions
[TOMEE-1149] - @Observes BeforeEvent & AfterEvent
[TOMEE-1150] - @Observes Event type inheritance
[TOMEE-1159] - support jaxrs to be overriden by the webapp
[TOMEE-1166] - activate cxf jmx by default
[TOMEE-1170] - Investigate the use of the Win platform daemon tool (prunmgr.exe)
[TOMEE-1184] - TomEE Remote should support empty/null classifier
[TOMEE-1212] - allow to configure async pool by remote initial context
[TOMEE-1213] - Add support for <security-role-ref>
[TOMEE-1220] - if jaxrs.txt is in <tomee>/conf add libraries in container
[TOMEE-1222] - allow JarLocation (of ziplock) to get jar file from resource name and jar name
[TOMEE-1224] - TomEE Remote EJBContainer
[TOMEE-1247] - allow internal datasources to be flushable (swap delegate)
[TOMEE-1249] - add LockFactory API in StatefulContainer
[TOMEE-1250] - support resource references in resources.xml Service using @ prefix
[TOMEE-1251] - Add ability to configure HTTPS port
[TOMEE-1258] - allow tomee maven plugin to configure externalRepositories
[TOMEE-1259] - add webappDefaultConfig to tomee maven plugin to auto configure the plugin for default webapp dev setup
[TOMEE-1263] - Add a REST Exception mapper for EJBAccessException
[TOMEE-1160] - Track AppContext start time
[TOMEE-1177] - Include Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.30
[TOMEE-1178] - Please create a DOAP file for your TLP
[TOMEE-1253] - add tests based on the test-control module to the deltaspike fullstack example
Release Notes - OpenEJB - Version 4.7.0
[OPENEJB-120] - Port CMP Container
[OPENEJB-145] - iTest: StatelessRemoteJndiTests
[OPENEJB-146] - iTest: StatelessLocalJndiTests
[OPENEJB-147] - iTest: StatelessHomeIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-148] - iTest: StatelessEjbHomeTests
[OPENEJB-149] - iTest: StatelessEjbObjectTests
[OPENEJB-150] - iTest: StatelessEjbLocalHomeTests
[OPENEJB-151] - iTest: StatelessEjbLocalObjectTests
[OPENEJB-152] - iTest: StatelessRemoteIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-153] - iTest: StatelessLocalIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-154] - iTest: StatelessHomeHandleTests
[OPENEJB-155] - iTest: StatelessHandleTests
[OPENEJB-156] - iTest: StatelessEjbMetaDataTests
[OPENEJB-157] - iTest: StatelessLocalBusinessIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-158] - iTest: StatelessRemoteBusinessIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-159] - iTest: StatelessBeanJndiEncTests
[OPENEJB-160] - iTest: StatelessBeanSetterInjectionTests
[OPENEJB-161] - iTest: StatelessBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests
[OPENEJB-171] - iTest: StatefulRemoteJndiTests
[OPENEJB-172] - iTest: StatefulLocalJndiTests
[OPENEJB-173] - iTest: StatefulHomeIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-174] - iTest: StatefulEjbHomeTests
[OPENEJB-175] - iTest: StatefulEjbObjectTests
[OPENEJB-176] - iTest: StatefulEjbLocalHomeTests
[OPENEJB-177] - iTest: StatefulEjbLocalObjectTests
[OPENEJB-179] - iTest: StatefulLocalIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-180] - iTest: StatefulHomeHandleTests
[OPENEJB-181] - iTest: StatefulHandleTests
[OPENEJB-183] - iTest: StatefulLocalBusinessIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-184] - iTest: StatefulRemoteBusinessIntfcTests
[OPENEJB-185] - iTest: StatefulBeanJndiEncTests
[OPENEJB-186] - iTest: StatefulBeanSetterInjectionTests
[OPENEJB-187] - iTest: StatefulBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests
[OPENEJB-201] - iTest: InterceptorInvocationContextTests
[OPENEJB-316] - ASL Headers: openejb3/assembly
[OPENEJB-317] - ASL Headers: openejb3/container
[OPENEJB-318] - ASL Headers: openejb3/examples
[OPENEJB-319] - ASL Headers: openejb3/itests
[OPENEJB-320] - ASL Headers: openejb3/server
[OPENEJB-328] - openejb3 license and notice files do not end with .txt
[OPENEJB-329] - openejb3/itests/openejb-itests-app/
[OPENEJB-330] - openejb3/assembly/openejb-standalone
[OPENEJB-331] - openejb3/assembly/openejb-tomcat
[OPENEJB-343] - Example: Minimal Statetless Bean via a deployment descriptor
[OPENEJB-345] - Example: Minimal MessageDriven Bean via a deployment descriptor
[OPENEJB-636] - doc: deploy-tool.html
[OPENEJB-658] - doc: quickstart.html
[OPENEJB-660] - doc: startup.html
[OPENEJB-678] - Validation: Explicit check for InvocationContext incorrectly used in bean callbacks
[OPENEJB-1419] - Add a related documentation page
[OPENEJB-1836] - Validation: @Local on bean with no-interface should use @LocalBean
[OPENEJB-2071] - Validation: Check for proper @Asynchronous usage
[OPENEJB-6] - Wrong Exceptions thrown for unimplemented features
[OPENEJB-23] - OpenEJB protocol hangs in ObjectInputStream
[OPENEJB-75] - itests broken when Geronimo moved to v1.0
[OPENEJB-207] - Need to put the most updated EJB\JPA specs onto one of our repos
[OPENEJB-208] - NoClassDefFound exception is thrown when OpenEJB3.0 server is starting
[OPENEJB-259] - Session bean "setSessionContext" method should not be required for POJO EJBs
[OPENEJB-290] - Executing an ejbSelect that does not return a cmp bean throw NullPointerException
[OPENEJB-291] - SessionContext getRollbackOnly and setRollbackOnly should throw an IllegalArgumentException when there is no transaction in progress
[OPENEJB-292] - SessionSynchronization should not be called on a SFSB when ejbCreate is called
[OPENEJB-293] - beforeCommit should not be called when the transaction is marked rollback only
[OPENEJB-296] - EJBQL query with many-to-many join clause causes an AssertionError
[OPENEJB-303] - EJBLocalObject.getEJBLocalHome throws exception
[OPENEJB-322] - JeeTests fail due to bad descriptors
[OPENEJB-339] - NPE in class AnnotationDeployer during deployment of annotated beans
[OPENEJB-391] - openejb-itests-core does not start
[OPENEJB-392] - Patch to fix broken itests
[OPENEJB-394] - javax.naming.NameNotFoundException Name "client/tools/DatabaseHome" not found
[OPENEJB-397] - Fix in itests.
[OPENEJB-409] - NullPointer Exception on trying to deploy MessageDrivenBean
[OPENEJB-410] - Executing bin/openejb with no parameters causes usage to be printed 4 times
[OPENEJB-411] - IvmContext.listBindings returns an enumeration of NameClassPair insted of Bindings
[OPENEJB-413] - @EJB Resource injection does not work when there are both Local and Remote interface
[OPENEJB-430] - Transaction support not wired in MDB Container
[OPENEJB-444] - Starting and ending spaces not trimmed in openejb during unmarshalling of descriptors.
[OPENEJB-461] - Workaround for maven misresolving ${pom.version}
[OPENEJB-463] - Examples use a different version for geronimo-ejb_3.0_spec than the one used in the main build.
[OPENEJB-467] - Lookup of EntityManagerFactories failing in Windows
[OPENEJB-471] - CMP beans in an EJB 1.1 jar are assumed to be CMP 2.0
[OPENEJB-513] - Missing OpenEJB icon on "Define New Server" Page of "New Server" wizard
[OPENEJB-515] - openejb2/geronimo jaxb tree cannot handle persistence-unit-ref
[OPENEJB-539] - Fix NPE in InterceptorStack
[OPENEJB-540] - Rolling back a transaction in which a Timer is cancelled results in a non-functional timer
[OPENEJB-545] - PortableRemoteObject instances not getting marshaled correctly on EJB calls.
[OPENEJB-546] - Timer operations are improperly allowed in some methods
[OPENEJB-549] - JndiEncBuilder is inserting bad comp/ORB and comp/HandleDelegate references into jndi tree.
[OPENEJB-551] - ClassNotFoundExceptions can occur during method argument or return value marshalling/unmarshalling
[OPENEJB-553] - EjbObjectProxyHandler and EjbHomeProxyHandler serialization using wrong server context.
[OPENEJB-554] - WebServiceBindingType.ejbName not set in
[OPENEJB-555] - Don't ship files with Sun copyright statements
[OPENEJB-556] - HSQL ServerService fails to start when there are no connectors bound into the system
[OPENEJB-557] - Throw EJBAccessException not RemoteException when you're unauthorized
[OPENEJB-562] - WebServiceRef annotation processing does not check for existing service-ref elements in DD
[OPENEJB-564] - JAX-RPC fixes
[OPENEJB-566] - geronimo security type not copied correctly
[OPENEJB-567] - should not "deploy" beans
[OPENEJB-570] - NotSerializableException passivating a session
[OPENEJB-578] - Register SERVICE_ENDPOINT last so it doesn't get overriden
[OPENEJB-579] - Persistenceunit refs with no name should get resolved to a unique persistence unit
[OPENEJB-581] - EjbModule URL not valid should be squashed
[OPENEJB-582] - Lifecycle interceptor defined on a superclass breaks the chain
[OPENEJB-587] - wrong main.class value for deploy and validate options
[OPENEJB-588] - OpenJPA graduated from incubator, need to upgrade to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[OPENEJB-589] - MalformedURLException during deployment of Geronimo MEJBGBean
[OPENEJB-590] - mvn -Dassemble does not create bin directory in the assembly of module openejb-standalone
[OPENEJB-593] - Fix build error
[OPENEJB-595] - maven assembly plugin does not filter resources
[OPENEJB-601] - broken logging
[OPENEJB-622] - EntityEJBObjectHandler memory leak
[OPENEJB-623] - Apply container-transaction delcarations in proper order
[OPENEJB-625] - RedeployTest does not search for maven repository properly
[OPENEJB-666] - openejb start --help command prints out property values.
[OPENEJB-667] - OpenEJB server prints logging messages to console.
[OPENEJB-672] - Running the command "openejb stop --help" throws a null pointer exception
[OPENEJB-792] - Failure in RedeployTest on Windows.
[OPENEJB-889] - javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to build body from bytes.
[OPENEJB-1022] - Test case org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactoryTest#testConfigureApplicationWebModule fails while building OEJB
[OPENEJB-1131] - JDK 1.6.0 u18 has a ClassCastException in ClassLoaderUtil.clearSunJarFileFactoryCache
[OPENEJB-1246] - Committed timers are not visible between transactions
[OPENEJB-1263] - IllegalAccessException with TomcatThreadContextListener
[OPENEJB-1287] - java.lang.NullPointerException: null: null at org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication
[OPENEJB-1305] - Standalone Server shutdown fails
[OPENEJB-1347] - ClassCastException in ClassLoaderUtil.clearSunJarFileFactoryCache
[OPENEJB-1349] - No interceptor of type org.apache.openejb.cdi.CdiInterceptor
[OPENEJB-1405] - WS Security mustUnderstand flag not treated when handlers are used
[OPENEJB-1417] - webservices.xml not read when embedded in Tomcat
[OPENEJB-1422] - fix compile error caused by OWB-503
[OPENEJB-1622] - Adding more boundary condition handling in cron calendar timer.
[OPENEJB-1918] - Build relies on <repositories> and <pluginRepositories>
[OPENEJB-1962] - Filter out known directories from EAR scanning
[OPENEJB-1963] - Only fail security on bad deployment directory
[OPENEJB-1967] - SocketConnectionFactory not honouring lock request and soLinger
[OPENEJB-1986] - Deployment of web application with white spaces in its name fails due to unencoded characters
[OPENEJB-1994] - App directory with space in name fails on Win platforms
[OPENEJB-1995] - Scheduler does not respect TimeZone property if specified
[OPENEJB-2004] - EjbTimerService fails to shut down after recent changes
[OPENEJB-2047] - ignore com.sun in PersistenceUnitInfoImpl
[OPENEJB-2055] - openejb-core PMD - basic.xml
[OPENEJB-2063] - Failure to start cxf-rs service due to simple logging call
[OPENEJB-2064] - @DenyAll not handled at class level
[OPENEJB-2065] - Change 1482211 causes shell error if bin/openejb is given more than one argument
[OPENEJB-2066] - "openejb stop" leaves the standalone java process running but broken
[OPENEJB-2067] - Wrong URL when hot-deploying @WebService to TomEE+ 1.6.0
[OPENEJB-2068] - OpenEJB runs EJB Business Interface Method on Proxy instead of Bean
[OPENEJB-2070] - Potential deadlock in URLClassLoaderFirst
[OPENEJB-2072] - Fix OSGI import for commons-lang and commons-lang3
[OPENEJB-2078] - add pojo-deployment to openejb-jar.xsd
[OPENEJB-2080] - EJB @LocalBean reference serialization issue
[OPENEJB-2081] - Fix @Event AssemblerAfterApplicationCreated location
[OPENEJB-2085] - Interceptor extension not recognized
[OPENEJB-2093] - Testing a WebService through ApplicationComposer may lead to a null WebServiceContext
[OPENEJB-38] - The loader jar not installable or deployable to a maven repo
[OPENEJB-305] - Update itest plans
[OPENEJB-309] - Implement support for JNDI_LIST and JNDI_LIST_BINDINGS methods in org.openejb.server.ejbd.JndiRequestHandler
[OPENEJB-321] - Add ASF license header to all source files
[OPENEJB-514] - Introduce UI plugin + minor fixes to core plugin
[OPENEJB-568] - JAX-RPC integration improvements
[OPENEJB-626] - Rename default.logging.conf to and also change appenders for
[OPENEJB-630] - Add search to home page
[OPENEJB-669] - remove hsql log messages from server startup
[OPENEJB-684] - Upgrade org.apache.axis2:axis2-jaxws-api to 1.3
[OPENEJB-685] - Use Maven 2 Remote Resources Plugin to manage LICENSE/NOTICE files
[OPENEJB-925] - Improved scanning for ejbs in webapps while in Tomcat
[OPENEJB-1081] - Find most specific setter in ClientInjectionProcessor.findSetter
[OPENEJB-1265] - TempClassLoader buffer reuse reduces memory requirements
[OPENEJB-1346] - Improve @AccessTimeout annotation processing
[OPENEJB-1413] - Support interesting module types in DeploymentLoader
[OPENEJB-1418] - Refactor TomcatWebAppBuilder
[OPENEJB-1838] - Add 'MultiPulse' discovery - An alternative multicast discovery option
[OPENEJB-1839] - Configrable TCP Socket connect timeout for ejbd and ejbds
[OPENEJB-1854] - Multicast discovery collides with a configured localhost service
[OPENEJB-1969] - OpenEJBDeployableContainer has InstanceProducer<Context>
[OPENEJB-1996] - Configure QuartzResourceAdapter start and stop timeouts and logging
[OPENEJB-1999] - Update to ActiveMQ 5.8.x
[OPENEJB-2000] - Add 'ignore' property to MulticastPulseAgent
[OPENEJB-2030] - Default include exclude order should be exclude-include
[OPENEJB-2049] - openejb-core PMD - EmptyCatchBlock
[OPENEJB-2050] - openejb-core PMD - EmptyStatementNotInLoop
[OPENEJB-2051] - openejb-core PMD - EmptyWhileStmt
[OPENEJB-2052] - openejb-core PMD - EmptyIfStmt
[OPENEJB-2053] - openejb-core PMD - finalizers.xml and imports.xml
[OPENEJB-2054] - openejb-core PMD - unusedcode.xml
[OPENEJB-2056] - openejb-loader PMD
[OPENEJB-2057] - openejb-core checkstyle
[OPENEJB-2060] - openejb-core checkstyle [FinalClass]
[OPENEJB-2061] - openejb-core checkstyle [SimplifyBooleanExpression, SimplifyBooleanReturn]
[OPENEJB-2062] - openejb-core checkstyle [ArrayTypeStyle]
[OPENEJB-2073] - openejb-core PMD - LocalVariableCouldBeFinal
[OPENEJB-2079] - Use system property 'derby.system.home' if supplied
[OPENEJB-2084] - Move Server Services to a dedicated "Start" event
[OPENEJB-2088] - Allow injection of (SOAP)Handlers
[OPENEJB-2089] - Provide ApplicationComposer feature as a JUnit @Rule
New Feature
[OPENEJB-63] - New Castor CMP Container
[OPENEJB-565] - Basic support for JAX-WS invocations
[OPENEJB-569] - @Resource WebServiceContext injection
[OPENEJB-924] - Adding APIs for new EJB 3.1 features
[OPENEJB-1230] - Webapp scanning include/exclude via context.xml settings
[OPENEJB-1410] - Dynamic data source (using more than one data source as one)
[OPENEJB-1525] - bean validation for parameters and returned values
[OPENEJB-1528] - allowing the user to add default interceptors
[OPENEJB-1958] - Add compression to the ejbd protocol.
[OPENEJB-2048] - Implement a simplified direct connection factory
[OPENEJB-2082] - Allow to call an observer after another one
[OPENEJB-2090] - provide junit rules for EJBContainer
[OPENEJB-20] - org.openejb.util.Logger uses deprecated log4j.Category class
[OPENEJB-36] - Automated test of tomcat integration
[OPENEJB-81] - ejb3 specs module
[OPENEJB-110] - JPA Spec - ClassTransformer missing method patch
[OPENEJB-111] - JPA - persistence.xml parser and skeleton provider
[OPENEJB-112] - Port HTTP server support from 2
[OPENEJB-113] - Port CORBA server code from openejb 2
[OPENEJB-114] - Port Axis server support from 2
[OPENEJB-115] - Port/rewrite the XFire server support from 2 into 3
[OPENEJB-116] - Port EJB Containers from 2 into 3
[OPENEJB-122] - JCA Support via Jencks project
[OPENEJB-135] - Castor 1.0 upgrade
[OPENEJB-258] - Documentation about XBean and its use
[OPENEJB-264] - iTests broken - missing spring2.xml
[OPENEJB-272] - Change packages to org.apache.openejb in openejb3 trunk
[OPENEJB-281] - Remove dependencies with groupId=geronimo from poms
[OPENEJB-282] - Both EJBHome and EJBLocalHome remove(Object primaryKey) methods should throw javax.ejb.RemoveException when used with Sessions beans
[OPENEJB-311] - Add ASL License Headers
[OPENEJB-323] - Add ASL License and Notice
[OPENEJB-387] - Adding support for "openejb.deployments.classpath.include"
[OPENEJB-448] - Move duplicate app checking into the assembler
[OPENEJB-449] - Non-finder based ServerService creation
[OPENEJB-524] - Geronimo 2.0 Integration
[OPENEJB-585] - [GRADUATION] Yank the DISCLAIMER.txt that says we are incubating
[OPENEJB-586] - [GRADUATION] Drop "incubating" from version number
[OPENEJB-1054] - Investigate App Client Main-Class handling
[OPENEJB-450] - Potentially use xbean-naming
[OPENEJB-519] - Annotated test clients enablement
[OPENEJB-563] - Test Case for Jax-RPC
[OPENEJB-676] - [BUILD FAILURE : There are test failures] OpenejbJarTest and ConversionTest are failing when building the code.
[OPENEJB-2077] - Do not require openejb.json/openejb.xml
[OPENEJB-2092] - Allow easy offsetting of all OpenEJB ports