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Apache TomEE 9.0.0.RC1 has been released.

This milestone gets us closer to a final 9.0.0 release. The milestone 8 was the first migration from javax to jakarta namespace straight in the source code. The release was not production ready and the build was not stable, but the goal was to get a base we could build upon.

The journey has been long, after working to stabilize the build and achieve a significant TCK coverage for Jakarta EE 9.1, we decided to focus on supporting MicroProfile 5.0. We were still stuck on a very old version. The work we started on Milestone 8 to migrate to SmallRye is now complete and we are pleased to announced we reached 100% of MicroProfile 5.0.

The MicroProfile JWT implementation is entirely ours and has some great additions such as Bean Validation integration to validate JWT tokens. The REST Client comes from Apache CXF implementation.

In terms of Jakarta EE 9.1 TCK, we are 12 failures short, but we are actively working on them so we can have a final release soon.

In addition to the previous work, we fixed a couple of bugs and did some dependency upgrades.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release, including all of our users and the people who submitted bug reports, contributed code or documentation enhancements.

Dependency upgrade


  • TOMEE-4101 Typo with EL22Adaptor implementation in

  • TOMEE-4102 TomEE logs SEVERE: Expected ContextBinding to have the method getThreadName()

  • TOMEE-4032 Class cast Exception when undeploying application with @PostConstruct LifeCycle

  • TOMEE-3795 Proxy class definition does not work in Java 17+

  • TOMEE-4014 Unable to see TomEE version in Tomcat home page with Java 17

  • TOMEE-4041 4 CVE Vulnerabilities in snakeyaml-1.30.jar

  • TOMEE-4001 CVE-2022-34305 displaying user provided data without filtering, exposing a XSS vulnerability


  • TOMEE-4022 Move to Apache Rat

  • TOMEE-4028 Replace cucumber shading and replace with cucumber-jakarta-openejb

  • TOMEE-4035 Upgrade SmallRye, Jackson and others

  • TOMEE-3914 Spring 3 Dependencies in TomEE Root POM

  • TOMEE-4088 Add workaround for CVE-2022-41853 (hsqldb)


  • TOMEE-4023 Comparison pages with wrong specs per profiles


Fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)

  • TOMEE-4086 HSQLDB 2.7.1

  • TOMEE-4041 4 CVE Vulnerabilities in snakeyaml-1.30.jar

  • TOMEE-4001 CVE-2022-34305 displaying user provided data without filtering, exposing a XSS vulnerability

  • TOMEE-4088 Add workaround for CVE-2022-41853 (hsqldb)