Apache TomEE 9.0.0-M8 Release Notes
Apache TomEE 9.0.0-M8 has been released.
This milestone release differs from previous 9.x releases in the sense that we migrated all TomEE code to the new Jakarta namespace. Previously, we used bytecode relocation but most of the integration code such as test support, arquillian, maven plugins were broken .
We are still working on some regressions and fixes in order to pass all TCK tests for Jakarta EE 9.1 (again). However, our own tests and most of the TCK tests are green.
We are confident that this milestone can be used to gather feedback that will help stabilize TomEE 9.x before a final version is released.
It contains some bug fixes, (build related) enhancements and a lot of dependency upgrades as well as an upgrade of microprofile. Note that we switched from Geronimo microprofile implementations to Smallrye for various reasons discussed on the mailing list.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release, including all of our users and the people who submitted bug reports, contributed code or documentation enhancements.
Dependency upgrade
TOMEE-3941 ActiveMQ 5.16.5
TOMEE-3978 BVal 2.0.6
TOMEE-3913 Examples: Upgrade JUnit 4.12 4.13.2
TOMEE-3987 Geronimo-mail_2.1 version 1.0.0
TOMEE-3977 OpenWebBeans 2.0.27
TOMEE-3912 TomEE Patch Plugin 0.9
TOMEE-3887 Tomcat 10.0.20
TOMEE-3962 Tomcat 10.0.21 (CVE-2022-29885)
TOMEE-3911 XBean 4.21
TOMEE-3892 TomEE Maven Plugin does not allow to override default "-ea" in RemoteServer
TOMEE-3979 service.bat issue when using JRE_HOME on Windows
TOMEE-3935 BOM Regeneration fails due to GitHub Actions permission issue
TOMEE-3871 TomEE Plume is missing BatchEE / JCS Cache
TOMEE-3876 BOM generation corrupted under windows (slash problems)
TOMEE-3903 Investigate *.tar.gz distributions aren’t installed correctly to Maven Repository
TOMEE-3908 CI Job für TomEE Site Publish is failing
TOMEE-3921 Consistency for sha512 hashes in releases
TOMEE-3924 Disable @dependabot via .asf.yaml
TOMEE-3934 Upgrade to Johnzon 1.2.18
TOMEE-3963 Inherit JAVA_HOME in TomEE ServerComposer
TOMEE-3894 website generation broken under windows
TOMEE-3888 Cleanup documentation
TOMEE-3904 Enhance / Update existing release documentation
TOMEE-3917 update javadoc to reflect update to MicroProfile 5.0
TOMEE-3931 fix example/cucumber-jvm
TOMEE-3922 Patch Tomcat JasperInitializer and create jira
TOMEE-3925 Fix Websocket TLS Basic Auth
TOMEE-3926 Fix Webservice SSL Client Certificate Example
TOMEE-3861 Upgrade to apache-parent-26
TOMEE-3940 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: JakartaMail API
TOMEE-3865 Switch arquillian to the new Servlet 5 protocol
TOMEE-3932 Migration tips and tricks
TOMEE-3939 Fix Jakarta Mail API with Apache Velocity Templating
TOMEE-3870 Remove Management J2EE
TOMEE-3953 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: JPA with EclipseLink
TOMEE-3943 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: Multiple JPA providers
TOMEE-3866 Upgrade Hibernate to 5.6.7 / Hibernate Validator to 7.0.2 (Jakarta Artifact)
TOMEE-3944 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: Simple EAR :: Functional Tests
TOMEE-3868 Remove SAAJ Axis 1 provider
TOMEE-3869 Remove JAX-RPC
TOMEE-3881 Add JDK --add-opens to our scripts in openejb-standalone
TOMEE-3960 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: DeltaSpike ProjectStage
TOMEE-3920 Fix TomEE :: Web Examples :: Moviefun Rest
TOMEE-3954 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: JPA with Hibernate and arquillian
TOMEE-3877 No interface view EJB proxies broken on JDK16+
TOMEE-3956 Fix TomEE :: Connector Examples :: Connector in WAR
TOMEE-3879 Add missing --add-opens options to itests/failover
TOMEE-3957 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: DeltaSpike @ConfigProperty
TOMEE-3958 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: DeltaSpike Exception Handling
TOMEE-3959 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: DeltaSpike I18n
Fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
TOMEE-3962 Upgrade to Apache Tomcat 10.0.21 (CVE-2022-29885)