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Apache TomEE 8.0.11 has been released. It contains several bug fixes, enhancements and dependency upgrades.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release, including all of our users and the people who submitted bug reports, contributed code or documentation enhancements.

Dependency upgrade


  • TOMEE-3892 TomEE Maven Plugin does not allow to override default "-ea" in RemoteServer

  • TOMEE-3871 TomEE Plume is missing BatchEE / JCS Cache

  • TOMEE-3876 BOM generation corrupted under windows (slash problems)

  • TOMEE-3848 Apache TomEE 8.0.6 onwards is packaged with quartz-2.2.4.jar

  • TOMEE-3840 TomEE WebProfile 8.0.9 does not start with security enabled

  • TOMEE-3860 Upgrade jackson-databind for CVE-2020-36518


  • TOMEE-3851 Replace Google Analytics with ASF Matomo

  • TOMEE-3842 GitHub Actions fails for PullRequest Builds due to BOM auto generation

  • TOMEE-3859 Update tomee.xml file so it refers to the right location


  • TOMEE-3852 Review the website in regard to external embedding of resources (JS, Fonts, CSS)

  • TOMEE-3853 Link ASF Privacy Policy from TomEE Website


  • TOMEE-3894 website generation broken under windows

  • TOMEE-3854 Provide a first draft of a link collection page targeting contributor/committer resources

  • TOMEE-3888 Cleanup documentation

  • TOMEE-3846 Inconsistence between tomee flavors comparison in website and actual jars

  • TOMEE-3847 Exception when building website from windows os

  • TOMEE-3814 Commented SSL Connector fix for tomee server.xml

Fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)