Apache TomEE 10.0.0-M2 Release Notes
This is the second milestone release of TomEE 10 targeting JakartaEE 10.
Thanks to everyone who contributed code to make this happen.
We would like to highlight and give a shout-out to all our volunteers who have been doing the hard work for EE10, which is also being done in all our upstream dependencies such as Tomcat, OWB, CXF, MyFaces, etc.
Notable changes:
This is the first TomEE 10 release to require Java 17 at runtime (due to CXF and ActiveMQ).
We are now implementing the OIDC part of the EE Security Spec and passing the corresponding part of the TCK (thanks to Markus Jung).
We have integrated some updates in the MicroProfile area (not complete) and passed the related TCKs.
It is based on a fork of CXF 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-4353 for details. We pass most of the JAX-RS TCK here.
Fixes some bugs and quirks like broken Mojarra (due to CDI spec ambiguity) and others.
Please note the 10.0.0-M2 release is a milestone release intended for evaluation purposes and should not be used in production.
Dependency upgrade
TOMEE-4337 bcprov-jdk15to18-1.76.jar and bcpkix-jdk15to18-1.76.jar
TOMEE-4317 ActiveMQ 6.1.0
TOMEE-4359 ActiveMQ 6.1.2
TOMEE-4341 Angus Activation 2.0.2
TOMEE-4362 Commons IO 2.16.1
TOMEE-4346 Commons Lang 3.14.0
TOMEE-4345 Commons Logging 1.3.2
TOMEE-4339 Compress 1.16.0
TOMEE-4363 DBCP 2.12.0
TOMEE-4364 Downgrade Mojarra 4.0.0 (cf. TOMEE-4355)
TOMEE-4349 ECJ 3.37.0
TOMEE-4360 ECJ 3.38.0
TOMEE-4365 EclipseLink 4.0.3
TOMEE-4369 HSQLDB 2.7.3
TOMEE-4367 Hibernate Validator 8.0.1.Final
TOMEE-4361 Jackson 2.17.2
TOMEE-4335 Jetty 11.0.20
TOMEE-4340 Jose JWT 9.39.1 (Test)
TOMEE-4113 MP Metrics 5 / SmallRye Metrics 5
TOMEE-4356 Mojarra 4.0.7
TOMEE-4348 Smallrye Config 3.8.2
TOMEE-4353 Temporarily switch CXF 4.1.0 fork version have a stable version for a possible TomEE 10-M2 release.
TOMEE-4328 TomEE 10.1.23
TOMEE-4334 Tomcat 10.1.24
TOMEE-4352 Tomcat 10.1.25
TOMEE-4326 XBeans 4.25
TOMEE-4338 Xalan 2.7.3
New Feature
TOMEE-4351 Jakarta Security 3.0
TOMEE-4320 TomEE 10 leaks jakarta.json from Smallrye into /lib
TOMEE-4368 Typo in "openejb.placehodler.delimiter"
TOMEE-4347 Smallrye MP Extension are activated even if tomee.mp.scan="none"
TOMEE-4332 Using JAX-RS endpoints with a Spring Application fails
TOMEE-4355 mojarra faces.js is truncated
TOMEE-4333 NotSerializableException with @Inject HttpServletRequest
TOMEE-4342 ApplicationComposer should inject declared custom resources into tests
TOMEE-4350 mp-jwt: Add qualifier for produced Jsonb
TOMEE-4357 Add a Jandex index cache to TomEEMicroProfileListener
TOMEE-4366 Remove "groovy-spock" Example
TOMEE-4344 MP6: OpenAPI 3.1
TOMEE-4318 Switch Java Baseline to 17
TOMEE-4330 ActiveMQ 6.1.2
TOMEE-4331 BatchEE 2.0.0
TOMEE-4164 Jakarta JSON Binding TCK
TOMEE-4165 Jakarta JSON Processing TCK
TOMEE-4166 Jakarta RESTFul Web Services TCK
TOMEE-4325 JAX-RS TCK: Signature Tests
TOMEE-3965 Fix TomEE :: Examples :: JSF2/CDI/BV/JPA/DeltaSpike
TOMEE-4158 Jakarta Bean Validation TCK